Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Soul Glow Activatur

So, today the 8th graders that are coming to Yes I Can at our school visited today. They are amazing! I hung out with them at lunch and they're really sweet kids. I'm super excited for next year. Let me think... I met: William, Eric, Justin, Alex, Nick, Jose, Bryce, and Griffin. I think that's it....
How cool is the name Griffin?! Totally cool.
I think that's it for now.
Oh, and SOMEHOW I have 1,012 views on my blog. Which means someone is reading it. So, I see you lurkers. Leave a comment or send me a message on Twitter, ya know?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Every 15 Minutes

Today, it was Every 15 Minutes at my school. Basically, it is a program to teach kids about the dangers of drunk driving. It is totally realistic and really upsetting. Every 15 minutes for the entire day, they announce that someone has died on the loud speaker, they then play a video obituary for the person.
In the middle of the day, a 911 call comes on and says that there has been an accident. All Juniors and Seniors then go outside and witness two cars completely totaled with kids inside. 2 Fire trucks, police cars, ambulances, and a coroner come to the scene. There is a police officer announcing everything that happens, he announces the names of the kids as they are "found" and announce what their situation is, deceased/critical/etc...They take the kids that are pronounced deceased in the coroner's car and the kids that are in critical condition to the hospital, where they try to "revive" them. Then, the "drunk driver" is given a Breathalyzer test and numerous other tests and taken into custody.
It is really realistic and heart wrenching.
Take a look at the video from my school from two years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbeZtE-9dg0

Monday, March 23, 2009


Man, what have I been doing?
Why have I not updated this in like a year?
Why am I asking so many questions?
Okay, so I'm all caught up on homework and what not. So, how about a little Q and A. (Inspired by my good friend (well, not really) The Butcher)
Q: So, Amanda, you're doing a Q and A, nice ob stealing Butcher's idea.
A: Well, ya know, that's how I rollll.
Q: Why did you use so many L's?
A: Apparently, in the internet world, the more extra letters you add to your words, the cooler you are.
Q: I see, so you're looking to be an internet celebrity.
A: If you call the coolest person on the planet an internet celebrity, than yes.
Q: I thought you said you already were the coolest person on the planet?
A: Oh. Well, yeah, duh.
Q: So, are you trying to argue with me or something?
A: Not so much argue as prove that I am right.
Q: Oh, so that's the way it is.
A: Well, yeah.
Q: You suck at Q and A's.
A: I know.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wake up, think fast.

Wow. I haven't updates in like forever.
I started posting on SLH- fianlly. I'm up to like 257 posts. I'm awesome.
I'm seeing The Academy Is... (Actually, just William Eugene Beckett Jr and Adam T. Siska) on Saturday. It's going to be epic. The place, Jerry's Pizza, holds like less than 2oo people and they still haven't sold out. I'm totally hanging out afterward. Good times.