Sunday, December 14, 2008

Are we dancers?

So, the upcoming week is the last, and this semester is done. I'm excited, happy, frightened, and nervous. Finals are scary, and I really would rather not take them. I have so much to do:

  1. Read Chapters 7-9 in my US Book- check.

  2. Re-read my entire AP Environmental Book.- check

  3. Write my 'Smoke Signals' analysis- check.

  4. Write my reflection

  5. Do a 9 page packet for history

  6. Do 70 problems for math.

  7. Plan a party- check.
  8. Do 6 pages of Spanish -check.
  9. Practive Test for AP Lang
  10. Practice Test for APES

No, I'm not kidding- I really have to do all this. I should probably get to it.

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