Monday, October 13, 2008

And As The Bright Light Came Nearer, Her Vision Became So Much Clearer.

She pulled her tattered bag close to her growling stomach. She attempted to hurry along, but was stopped by the thick sea of students. She stood there uncomfortably, pigeon-toed and feeling as awkward as she ever had. The potent scent of youth undulated from every crevice of the cold concrete that she had grown to know as home. She grimaced at the disgusting display of life that was parading about, oblivious to the irrelevance of their existence. The blistering heat of the Southern California sun was the only reminder that she was alive, and she was late for class. So, she made her way to the splintered wood, wrapping her lanky fingers around it and getting her soft, delicate skin scratched. She sat down, in the uncomfortable, dilapidated chair. She was ready for the pointless, uninformative babbling called a lecture. She was ready to nap, accepting her own over-analytical, self-conscious, awkward self. She was ready to be alive, to live.


Anonymous said...

Did you write this?? B-e-a-youtiful!


Amanda Story said...

Why, yes I did, and thank you very much.