Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Candy and Horror Movies!?!

So, Halloween is going to be epic.

I'm going trick or treating- yes, I am 16, thank you very much.

Then, Doris and I are going to have a horror movie marathon. I think it's going to go down like this:

The Exorcist

The Shining

Rosemary's Baby


Then we may add some more. I don't know. I'll probably fall asleep.

Trevor's BBQ this weekend is going to be massive. Like 100 people there atleast, it makes me hungry just to think of it. There is going to be some tasty eats, and delicious treats- wow, I am officially lame.

So, 'till later today, tomorrow, or sometime after that.


~Your very own Bedtime. Story.

PS: Parent shadow day is tomorrow, so I'll probably have funny stories.


Name Drop of the day: Lil John

Song of the day: Baby I Got Your Money- Say Anything Cover


Anonymous said...

Actually it went down like this, American Psycho, Christian Bale's sexy V-back, and then the 5 min intro of Psycho, then you fell asleep.


Amanda Story said...

You know what, that was really not my intention.