Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tell you're boyfriend, if he says he got beef- that i'm a vegetarian and I ain't fuc**ng scared of him!!

I don't know why, but I feel this mad urge to express my undying love and respect for 3OH!3.
They may put on the whole "I'm a stupid gangsta and like girls boobs" persona. But, really Nat (I haven't really spoken to Sean), is the sweetest, most sincere, intelligent person I have ever spoken to.
He is a truly amazing artist and I am genuinely happy to have heard their music, and been able to talk to him. So, Nat- seriously thanks. I'm going to try to make it to the Taking Back Sunday show that you are playing, but it's not looking to good.
Anyway, I love 3OH!3, and I love can't wait for both:
1) November 9th- Disneyland, I haven't gone in a few months and I'm going to go insane.
2) December 27th- First MFH show in a seriously long time. MFH, Laundromat Robbery- it couldn't get better than that unless Bill Beckett or Nat showed up.
Name Drop of the Day: Nathaniel Motte
Song of the Day: 3OH!3- Colorado Sunrise


Anonymous said...

well cuz 3oh! 3 is phenonmanal.....
........ Duh!


Amanda Story said...

Yeah, and Nat's my hubby- :)